Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kanye- disprove his genius?

I had a dream last night that I was producing a beat along side kanye west, (i am a big time kanye follower) and even in my dreams he seemed so knowledgable about music it was ridiculous! He was saying things to me that I would never even dream of! The things he said to me in my dream have inspired some lyrics in my music but damn, I feel like these things really came from his like soul or mind or something. The reason I chose that title is because, I am tired... I am tired of reading "he is a burden on society" "he's nothing but a jerk" "he's a sell out" and one of the most outrageous claims I came across was that he sucked at making music. I couldn't believe what I was reading.. Even if people fall into the perception the media has about him, how could anyone, ANYONE, deny his musical genius?! It's absolutely absurd.. And as far as he goes as a person, I believe he is an incredible, intelligent human being as well. Anyone care to prove me wrong? Bring evidence.. Wild accusations mean nothing to me. And Kanye I you're reading, by some chance in the galaxy, thank you for making the music you make, it is the reason I make music.

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